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Astrology Software, APP
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AstroQuick 7.8 software 100% compatible MAC PC Windows Linux iOS iPhone iPad Android
AstroQuick 7 for internet browsers
Mac OS X, PC Windows, iPhone, iPad, Linux compatible.
  The easiest Astrology software to use
Software with no installation !
A professional application
Technical datasheet
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Interpretations Modules
Online order and prices

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ANNUAL LICENSES 4 times cheaper than a classic software and its updates !
Use beginner and mobile app amateur and astrologer professional astrologer
Software with NO installation 100% compatible      
Unlimited devices (Mac, PC, iOS etc.)      
Integrated and free updates      
one month free per year of seniority **      
Price for 12 months license 31.09 CA $ 147.72 CA $ 777.53 CA $
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Indicative monthly price,
costs only less than :
2.59 CA $ per month * 12.31 CA $ per month * 64.79 CA $ per month *
2 years or more licences:
(no subscription, no commitment or direct debit : payment once the order)
1.55 CA $ per month
5.18 CA $ per month
51.84 CA $ per month
show and compare all licenses
Big saving licenses: from 2 to 6 years subsciption *** (click here to show)
Trials licenses with refunds upon first order of 12 months or more license.
License for 1 month Trial offer 6.20 CA $ 24.87 CA $ see PERSO version
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PERSO version with interpretation modules for personal use (click here to show)
DELUXE OPTIONS AstroCouple and AstroSR modules (click here to show)
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LOYALTY REBATES offers reserved to registered users of the old software AstroQuick MAC 5.x:
MAC BASIC versions 5 and higher,
up to 70% discount
  from 108.84 CA $ per year
contact us according to optional modules
from 311.00 CA $ per year
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MAC PRO version 5, up to 70% discount     from 311.00 CA $ per year
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Renewing your license at a special price (annual licenses):
please login to Customer area and click the blue button 'AstroQuick Web Software'    
NB: Price drop guarantee !
No obligation to subscription or debit: you buy your license when you want and at anytime you can enjoy any promotions to extend it.
Your data is kept for at least two years after the license expires.
Upon renewal, you will automatically receive a loyalty bonus of one free month for each year of seniority.
* More discount as soon as you renew your first license. You get a free month or more when renewing your annual license at least 30 days before its expiration. You can also enjoy occasional promotions to extend your license at the best price. Your license can be extended at any time, each renewal automatically extends its duration and allows you to cumulate years of seniority.
** Your annual license is automatically extended by 30 days per year of seniority. 1 month free at the first renewal, 2 months free at the second, 3 months free on the third, and so on. To take advantage of this offer, you must renew your license at least 30 days before it expires.
Example of a yearly subscription that starts on January the 1st, 2010: by renewing your subscription at least one month prior expiration (i.e before December the 1st, 2010), you will automatically get a free month. Its validity will therefore be extended by 12+1 months, i.e until February the 1st, 2012. And so on...by renewing your third subscription before January the 1st, 2012, you will get two months for free and the subscription expiration will be then on April the 1st, 2013. After a 5-year subscription, you will get a total of 6+1 free months per subscription. After 11 years, your license is extended for another 12 months free.
NB: Seniority bonuses apply to license renewals of 12 months or more. The years of seniority are not carried over from one version to another, such as when passing the ECO of the PERSO version. If the license is not renewed at least 30 days before it's expiration, previous seniority bonuses are lost.
*** The licenses of more than one year are not divisible nor refundable, they remain redeemable only to a higher version.
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10 Parc Club du Millénaire
1025 avenue Henri Becquerel
F 34000 Montpellier

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