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Your personal astrological forecasts dated with planetary transits
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Online HTML document Your astrological report is laid out in HTML format (with text, illustrations and interactive links) to be found online, immediately after your order. A copy is also sent to you by email. Online, you can select the calculation of Placidus houses and Equal houses (more psychological interpretation). |
Astral climate for Barack Obama
The astral climate for this period
You will find in this analysis a list of your major planetary transits calculated according to your birth chart. The study of an astral climate will give us the possibility of having more information about the future just like weather forecast will help us know what the sky will look like tomorrow.
This analysis of planetary transits does not have the pretension of telling people about their destiny. Its purpose is to give information about deadlines and how far they are in order for you to know how to deal with upcoming situations. In any case you are still free to do whatever you like. As long as you can read between the lines without taking everything too literally, it will be helpful. Interpretations that illustrate each planetary transit aren't exhaustive. But thanks to your analogical sense and your personal intuition, you will manage to find common things with your life.
Since there are so many transits for a given period, it's impossible for a computer analysis to make a summary of it. Only an experienced astrologer will be able to do such thing. Astrologers can also give you some advice when it comes to controling your destiny.
Note: If you sometimes notice that the same interpretations are repeated but with different dates, it means that the same planet is retrograding and therefore coming back in the same areas of the Zodiac. Indeed according to the Earth motion, planets seem to recede a few times during the year. This is called a "retrogradation" and generates three successive transits (a direct, a retrograde and another direct). Transits are identical, that's why interpretation remain the same. However we can notice a slight difference: in astrology we believe that events happening during the first transit can be repeated of finalized during the second or third transit. That's why it is interesting to keep track of the events happening during the first transit because the next transits will usually be kind of similar, with just a slight emphasis.
Before 08.04.2014 to 08.08.2014, exact tu. 08.05.2014
Solar Return (Sun transits natal Sun)
Happy birthday to you! People stay around you, they take care of you, you are the star and you enjoy it. You realize who you are to others when you see all the gifts you receive and how much you party with your friends. You need to be thankful for that! Take stock of the year that just passed and try to figure out what you can improve.
Before 08.04.2014 to 08.30.2014, exact we. 08.06.2014
Saturn transits sesqui-quadrate natal Venus
Lately you have been going through a lonely phase that you had a hard time dealing with. You feel like noone loves you but what you don't realize is that you tend to be the one to isolate yourself. This emotional phase will help you reconsider the way you love though. Since you feel like you need to commit more seriously to your feelings, you realize that love isn't only made of joy and pleasure. The positive thing about it is that thanks to this transit you figure out the depth of your feelings.
From 08.06.2014 to 08.06.2014, exact we. 08.06.2014
Mercury transits natal Sun
Your intellect is working well! It's easy for you to communicate, to do some good business or just to travel. You adapt yourself easily to what's going on around you. Take advantage of the situation to try different things, find new professional contacts and have important appointments. Your business may become very productive.
From 08.07.2014 to 08.15.2014, exact su. 08.10.2014
Mars transiting conjunct natal Neptune
Your actions match your ideals, the initiatives you took are connected to your personal values: mystical or religious if you are spiritual, inspired and romantic if you're an artist. However those initiatives may also be worthless and delusional. Maybe you should wait for another better period.
From 08.12.2014 to 08.16.2014, exact th. 08.14.2014
Venus transits natal Mercury
Lately it's been easy for you to make new contacts and encounters. Your daughter or a friend may call your phone. If you are in the trade field, you may make good money. This phase is good for new encounters, but you need to be discreet in the way you talk and move.
From 08.14.2014 to 08.21.2014, exact su. 08.17.2014
Mars transiting Square natal Sun
This period will be pretty rough for you, you will have many things to take care of but you tend to get overwhelmed by your activities and this will drive you insane, nervous, almost aggressive. Sometimes it only takes one person to bother you and you get very angry, so make sure you don't become violent. You need to control what you say and what you do in order to not hurt your family. Indeed you may have burns, muscular spasms like sciatica or stiff neck. Mars is in analogy with desire, that's why you are very receptive to your sexual needs during this period but they seem to be a little too rough , that's why you should try not to be too demanding with your partner. However you may become pretty energetic and work way more than the usual. If you practice a sport, you may surpass yourself but try not to go beyond what you can do and not to take too many risks.
From 08.16.2014 to 08.21.2014, exact mo. 08.18.2014
Sun transits natal Uranus
For the next couple of days you may have a lot of new encounters; especially if you are part of a group or a team. You are fun to be around and you like to show off. You need to keep showing your originality and creativity because people like those qualities.
From 08.20.2014 to 08.25.2014, exact fr. 08.22.2014
Venus transits natal Sun
Lately you have been kind and your heart is opened. You feel great, charming and smiling and your people show their appreciation by inviting you to a party or giving you presents or just compliments. If you are in a relationship, your partner will like your magnetism, and if you're single today may be the beginning of a love story (if other transits confirm it).
From 08.15.2014 to 09.04.2014, exact mo. 08.25.2014
Jupiter transiting Square natal Neptune
During this period you may follow your ideals but also lose track of reality. That's why you can't lack discernment and postpone utopian concepts or ideas. Make sure you don't use and abuse alcohol or pep pills. Also be careful with your finances...or your bank may remind you!
From 08.23.2014 to 08.30.2014, exact tu. 08.26.2014
Mars transiting Square Ascendant
For the next few days you will become irritable with your partner and your co-workers, although they may do the same with you. But you can't help but arguing, that's why the atmosphere becomes tensed within your family and friends circle. Maybe are you a little too over the top and it would be best to moderate your behaviour. In a few days things will get better.
From 08.27.2014 to 08.30.2014, exact th. 08.28.2014
Mercury transits natal Mars
Try not to be confused between speed and haste. Your business is working well but it's not a reason to go too fast. Once everything is settled down, you may become more efficient.
From 08.28.2014 to 09.02.2014, exact sa. 08.30.2014
Sun transits natal Pluto
For the last couple of days you have been keeping everything to yourself and your subconscious may take over reality if you don't pay attention to it. Instead of having dark thoughts and worthless fantasies, you need to focus on your creativity.
Since 08.04.2014 to 09.27.2014, exact mo. 09.01.2014
Saturn transiting Square Ascendant
For the next few weeks, you may feel some tension with your family circle, your partner or your co-workers. You feel like you are being judged and even criticized. Actually you tend to see the bad side of things when they are in your life just to remind you of the time passing you by. You need to reconsider your relationships with people and with the world around you. Don't judge people if you don't want them to judge you, and be humble, at least for the next few weeks...
From 09.09.2014 to 09.16.2014, exact fr. 09.12.2014
Mars transits natal Midheaven
For the next few days you will be active, energetic and productive. You will work a lot and nothing will seem to stop you. However you tend to forget about your family and you only have a few moments to give to your kids and house. In a few weeks you will have to slow down and rest. But everything you're doing now will have good consequences in the future.
From 09.03.2014 to 09.24.2014, exact sa. 09.13.2014
Jupiter transits your natal Sun
This is the best transit of all, the luckiest and the nicest: you are enthusiastic, overjoyed and even happy at times! Life is good, communication with people is easy and you even surprise yourself laughing and smiling very often. Everything is going well in a reassuring atmosphere. You feel like sad people are making such a big deal of nothing, but also like you're spreading your good mood all around and that you are one fortunate person (and it's not only an impression). Since you are like protected, you feel like everything comes easily to you: opportunities, fortune, etc. You are living the good life, you meet people who will help you in your projects. To sum up...all is well!
From 09.13.2014 to 09.18.2014, exact mo. 09.15.2014
Sun transiting conjunct natal Mars
You feel great, both bold and firm in your decisions, and your co-workers like that. You may also express your energy in a sport. You live a very hectic life, but this impulsiveness may play tricks on you. That's why you need to be tolerant and patient, because you also need to slow down sometimes...
From 09.15.2014 to 09.22.2014, exact th. 09.18.2014
Mars transiting Opposition natal Moon
You may feel stressed out during this transit. You may get touchy, arrogant (especially with women) and feel like people aggress you. That's why you should not take everything you hear too seriously...the sex drive is stimulated, especially if you are single. That's why you may meet someone during this period but it needs to match other harmonic aspects of Venus (but check out other transits).
From 09.22.2014 to 09.26.2014, exact tu. 09.23.2014
Venus transits natal Mars
Lately you have felt kind and energetic. That's why it's the best time to contact people who may help you in your activities. If you're single, you may be attracted to some people you hang out with, especially from work. If you're in a relationship, your partner may melt because of your charm and your magnetism.
From 09.22.2014 to 10.05.2014, exact su. 09.28.2014
Jupiter transits Quintile natal Moon
If you are instinctive, this transit may bring you fortune. You feel like people appreciate you, your family and your home. If you are an artist, it may stimulate your imagination and creativity and so your audience may get more and more interested in your work. You have a special connection with kids and even with your mother.
From 09.29.2014 to 10.06.2014, exact th. 10.02.2014
Mars transiting Trine natal Sun
You are very energetic, you are ready for physical efforts. If you practice a sport, you may surpass yourself! Your desires are well channeled and your aggressiveness is also controled. Moreover you are helped in your activities by co-workers, especially men. If you were unemployed, this period may help you find a job, even temporary. If you are creative, you may find a way to show your skills.
From 09.30.2014 to 10.14.2014, exact mo. 10.06.2014
Jupiter transits semi-square natal Venus
You are not very enthusiastic or in an excessive way, and you may be rude during this period. You should question your tendency to demand more attention, more help, more love from your partner. Make sure you don't remain too excessive: you tend to spend too much money. You need to realize you are trying to fill a gap, that's why you need to talk about your needs to the people you love.
From 10.02.2014 to 10.30.2014, exact tu. 10.14.2014
Jupiter transiting Opposition natal Ascendant
For the next few weeks your enthusiasm is getting low and you don't feel as fortunate as you used to. It's hard for you to take the opportunities on time and in spite of all your efforts nothing is going the way you wish it would. Fortune is on the side of your partner and co-workers. So if you get along well with them, why don't you just help and even serve them. How things change!
From 10.02.2014 to 11.08.2014, exact tu. 10.21.2014
Saturn transiting Sextile natal Mars
Recently this transit has been a good one for you and you may meet a more mature person who will help you, just as much as the administration may help you too. This will last for a long time. You are in great shape, efficient and your efforts are rewarded.
From 10.30.2014 to 11.04.2014, exact sa. 11.01.2014
Sun transits natal Neptune
For the last few days you have been lost in a world of your own and mentally confused, unless you use this period to listen to your favourite music or to focus on philosophical books and spirituality.
From 10.27.2014 to 12.01.2014, exact th. 11.13.2014
Saturn transiting Sextile natal Saturn
You may get some help from the administration or the court, and also from your family circle, especially when it comes to older family members. Overall you are getting stronger, more responsible, respectable, and you don't mind working a lot in order to climb the social ladder.
From 10.27.2014 to 12.01.2014, exact th. 11.13.2014
Saturn transiting Square natal Uranus
Lately you have been thinking about the behaviour you should have in a given situation: stepping back or going for it. Uranus is connected to modernity and Saturn to tradition, and you hesitate between the two. During this period, you may have to face legal, administrative or hierarchical bounderies that will keep you from moving on with your life or to change the rules of the "game". People may complain about your egocentricity, your selfishness and also about the fact that you never question yourself. However you may use those obstacles to surpass yourself and to go further. The positive aspect of it is that you will have a realistic opinion of your situation and you will know how to face potential difficulties.
From 11.19.2014 to 11.24.2014, exact fr. 11.21.2014
Sun transits natal Midheaven
For the next few days you will try to show what you're worth as far as your personality and your creativity. Your magnetism is attractive and you like that. As long as you got prepared for it, it's that time of the year where you may easily reach your goals.
From 11.26.2014 to 12.02.2014, exact fr. 11.28.2014
Mars transiting conjunct natal Saturn
If the transits of other planets are harmonic, you will take risks in your social life: you start applying to administrative departments and institutions, also you will start working around the house. If transits are very dissonant according to your birth chart, you may go through a surgery, or fall down while climbing a mountain, or just argue with your boss or a civil servant! However you may surpass yourself by practicing a sport for the next couple of days, but you need to be careful, especially if you climb a mountain!
From 11.13.2014 to 12.18.2014, exact su. 11.30.2014
Saturn transits Square your Lunar Nodes
If lately you have neglected your business, this transit may bring you psychological issues, intransigence, problems with the law or your health if other dissonant transits confirm it. But if you have recently taken on your responsibilities, you will have to be patient because sooner or later...you will see the good consequences of it in the next few months. You need to figure out in what houses of your karma those two elements are in order to know more about this transit.
From 12.03.2014 to 12.09.2014, exact sa. 12.06.2014
Mars transiting conjunct natal Jupiter
You will take risks in order to improve your condition. You may spend too much money and become excessive as jumping too quickly on opportunities, especially in the financial and legal fields. Show what you're worth as well as your enthusiasm.
From 11.10.2014 to 01.13.2015, exact su. 12.14.2014
Pluto transits quincunx natal Sun
If you don't lack discernment this period will help you acquire a sense of introspection. You might also use your magnetism to heal or to acquire an esoteric knowledge. You slowly become more shrewd and opportunist, knowing how to deal with issues more easily and use your powers, and it may be rewarding in your activities. But in this period you need to completely change your ego. It's necessary for you to question yourself and to leave the past behind.
From 11.27.2014 to 01.03.2015, exact su. 12.14.2014
Saturn transiting conjunct your natal Midheaven
For the next couple of weeks you will feel like you have reached your goals: either you are done with your last project or you just had a promotion at work. As a consequence you can now show what you can do and be totally efficient. However that may be, keep in mind that once you have reached the top, you are very close to going down! That's why you must always think about tomorrow and plan ahead. What you have built has to remain strong and you need to stay humble as well.
From 12.18.2014 to 12.24.2014, exact su. 12.21.2014
Mars transiting Opposition natal Sun
This period will be pretty rough for you, you will have many things to take care of but you tend to get overwhelmed by your activities and this will drive you insane, nervous, almost aggressive. Sometimes it only takes one person to bother you and you get very angry, so make sure you don't become violent. You need to control what you say and what you do in order to not hurt your family. Indeed you may have burns, muscular spasms like sciatica or stiff neck. Mars is in analogy with desire, that's why you are very receptive to your sexual needs during this period but they seem to be a little too rough , that's why you should try not to be too demanding with your partner. However you may become pretty energetic and work way more than the usual. If you practice a sport, you may surpass yourself but try not to go beyond what you can do and not to take too many risks.
From 12.25.2014 to 12.31.2014, exact su. 12.28.2014
Mars transiting natal Ascendant
For the next couple of days you will be feverish, irritable and you will have a hard time letting go of this excitement. You feel like shaking things up, but you tend to be impatient. Even if you know you are over the top, you are very energetic and you only focus on your activities. Make sure you don't get too moody though, you may hurt yourself...or someone else! You need to unwind every once in a while. Next week, things will get back to normal...
From 12.13.2014 to 01.24.2015, exact th. 01.01.2015
Saturn transiting Sextile natal Jupiter
You may get some help to strengthen your money. You may use the law to legalize a company or if your budget allows you to do it...you may use the protection of the administration or banks.
From 12.31.2014 to 01.24.2015, exact su. 01.11.2015
Saturn transits quincunx natal Venus
If you are serious and disciplined, you may be in a stable relationship, that may last for a long time (if other transits confirm it). If you are already in a relationship, you may find emotional stability (short but appreciable): you are serious, faithful and future oriented, although you have to let go a little about your freedom. As far as money, this transit may be a good one for you and you may meet a more mature person who will help you, just as much as the administration may help you too. You should make out your bill!
From 01.13.2015 to 01.18.2015, exact th. 01.15.2015
Sun transits Conjunction natal Saturn
Lately it has been hard for you to sign contracts with very important people, unless other transits become part of it. You are more pessimistic and you unconsciously isolate yourself. However you focus on what you are doing in order to become efficient and productive.
From 01.14.2015 to 01.20.2015, exact fr. 01.16.2015
Mars transiting Square natal Moon
You may feel stressed out during this transit. You may get touchy, arrogant (especially with women) and feel like people aggress you. That's why you may argue a lot: you can't stand insinuations or remonstrances, you easily get hurt and even sad, and another consequence could be your health getting weaker: burns, mucous membrane irritation, stomach ache, etc. That's why you should not take everything you hear too seriously...
From 12.27.2014 to 02.18.2015, exact sa. 01.17.2015
Saturn transiting Trine natal Mercury
This transit allows you to become wiser thanks to a new knowledge. You may go further in your studies or you are about to climb the social ladder in your business life. It's easy for people to understand you and you enjoy communicating what's on your mind. Your life is better organized and you give deep thoughts before acting, which can open yourself to the local administration. you may get a piece of advice from someone older or even start an internship in order to climb the social ladder.
From 01.16.2015 to 01.20.2015, exact su. 01.18.2015
Venus transiting natal Ascendant
Lately you have been kind. You show a lot of charm and joy and people around you appreciate it by giving you compliments. If you are in a relationship, your partner will like your magnetism, and if you're single today may be the beginning of a love story (if other transits confirm it).
From 01.19.2015 to 01.24.2015, exact we. 01.21.2015
Sun transits natal Jupiter
For the last couple of days communication with your hierarchy or very important people is productive. You are very optimistic and you can show what you're worth. You communicate your joy for life, and it may bring you fortune and success. Don't forget to share all this with your family and friends.
From 01.06.2015 to 05.26.2015, exact fr. 01.30.2015
Saturn transiting Opposition natal Moon
Lately you have been weary, worried and discouraged. Actually Saturn is asking your Moon (your sensitivity) to grow up, to check on its emotionalism and its tendency to dream. That's why you need to remain calm and humble in what you have built although sometimes you feel like it's worthless. You may have some responsibilities as far as your mother, your wife, or even family issues. However this transit allows you to try another way of living, especia lly as far as the way you eat. You need some rest and to try meditation and relaxation in order to remain balanced. Don't be afraid to go see a therapist in order to get some help as far as nutritional complements to make up for this mental fatigue and depression you are going through during this transit of Saturn.
From 01.18.2015 to 02.19.2015, exact tu. 02.03.2015 in retrogradation
Jupiter transiting Opposition natal Ascendant
For the next few weeks your enthusiasm is getting low and you don't feel as fortunate as you used to. It's hard for you to take the opportunities on time and in spite of all your efforts nothing is going the way you wish it would. Fortune is on the side of your partner and co-workers. So if you get along well with them, why don't you just help and even serve them. How things change!
From 02.05.2015 to 02.10.2015, exact sa. 02.07.2015
Sun transiting natal Ascendant
For the next few days you will try to show what you're worth. You are energetic and in a good mood and it gives you the extra boost you were looking for. As a matter of fact your magnetism is attractive and you like that.
From 02.04.2015 to 02.20.2015, exact th. 02.12.2015 in retrogradation
Jupiter transits semi-square natal Venus
You are not very enthusiastic or in an excessive way, and you may be rude during this period. You should question your tendency to demand more attention, more help, more love from your partner. Make sure you don't remain too excessive: you tend to spend too much money. You need to realize you are trying to fill a gap, that's why you need to talk about your needs to the people you love.
From 12.11.2014 to 04.17.2015, exact we. 02.18.2015
Neptune transiting Opposition natal Pluto
You are going through a phase where positive and negative forces may find a balance. You hesitate a lot, and as a matter of fact you lean towards darkness more than the light. Try to have faith in yourself and life again, even if it seems to be difficult.
From 02.15.2015 to 03.05.2015, exact mo. 02.23.2015 in retrogradation
Jupiter transits Quintile natal Moon
If you are instinctive, this transit may bring you fortune. You feel like people appreciate you, your family and your home. If you are an artist, it may stimulate your imagination and creativity and so your audience may get more and more interested in your work. You have a special connection with kids and even with your mother.
From 03.02.2015 to 03.07.2015, exact we. 03.04.2015
Mercury transiting natal Ascendant
Lately you have communicated easily. You express yourself with intelligence and ease and it makes communication and understanding easy. If you are in a relationship your partner will enjoy what you say and your ability to express your feelings.
From 03.05.2015 to 03.12.2015, exact su. 03.08.2015
Mars transiting Trine natal Sun
You are very energetic, you are ready for physical efforts. If you practice a sport, you may surpass yourself! Your desires are well channeled and your aggressiveness is also controled. Moreover you are helped in your activities by co-workers, especially men. If you were unemployed, this period may help you find a job, even temporary. If you are creative, you may find a way to show your skills.
From 03.02.2015 to 05.16.2015, exact th. 04.02.2015 in retrogradation
Jupiter transits your natal Sun
This is the best transit of all, the luckiest and the nicest: you are enthusiastic, overjoyed and even happy at times! Life is good, communication with people is easy and you even surprise yourself laughing and smiling very often. Everything is going well in a reassuring atmosphere. You feel like sad people are making such a big deal of nothing, but also like you're spreading your good mood all around and that you are one fortunate person (and it's not only an impression). Since you are like protected, you feel like everything comes easily to you: opportunities, fortune, etc. You are living the good life, you meet people who will help you in your projects. To sum up...all is well!
From 02.08.2015 to 08.09.2015, exact sa. 04.04.2015
Neptune Trine natal Neptune
Heavenly Neptune invites you to give birth to concepts or ideals you gave up on in your teenage years thanks to the experience you have had through the years. At your age now it's time to be connected to the Heavenly Father in order to be successful in any domains.
From 04.12.2015 to 04.17.2015, exact tu. 04.14.2015
Venus transits natal Moon
For the last couple of days you have been feeling great and you have appreciated the comfort of your house because of the light in it. That's why it's the best time to invite your friends to party with you or to work around your house and change decorations. You may be visited by a friend, your sister or your daughter. If you're in a relationship, you should enjoy having fun...in bed!
From 03.02.2015 to 05.16.2015, exact we. 04.15.2015
Jupiter transits your natal Sun
This is the best transit of all, the luckiest and the nicest: you are enthusiastic, overjoyed and even happy at times! Life is good, communication with people is easy and you even surprise yourself laughing and smiling very often. Everything is going well in a reassuring atmosphere. You feel like sad people are making such a big deal of nothing, but also like you're spreading your good mood all around and that you are one fortunate person (and it's not only an impression). Since you are like protected, you feel like everything comes easily to you: opportunities, fortune, etc. You are living the good life, you meet people who will help you in your projects. To sum up...all is well!
From 04.15.2015 to 04.21.2015, exact fr. 04.17.2015
Mars transiting Square natal Sun
This period will be pretty rough for you, you will have many things to take care of but you tend to get overwhelmed by your activities and this will drive you insane, nervous, almost aggressive. Sometimes it only takes one person to bother you and you get very angry, so make sure you don't become violent. You need to control what you say and what you do in order to not hurt your family. Indeed you may have burns, muscular spasms like sciatica or stiff neck. Mars is in analogy with desire, that's why you are very receptive to your sexual needs during this period but they seem to be a little too rough , that's why you should try not to be too demanding with your partner. However you may become pretty energetic and work way more than the usual. If you practice a sport, you may surpass yourself but try not to go beyond what you can do and not to take too many risks.
From 04.22.2015 to 04.29.2015, exact sa. 04.25.2015
Mars transiting Square Ascendant
For the next few days you will become irritable with your partner and your co-workers, although they may do the same with you. But you can't help but arguing, that's why the atmosphere becomes tensed within your family and friends circle. Maybe are you a little too over the top and it would be best to moderate your behaviour. In a few days things will get better.
From 01.06.2015 to 05.26.2015, exact mo. 04.27.2015 in retrogradation
Saturn transiting Opposition natal Moon
Lately you have been weary, worried and discouraged. Actually Saturn is asking your Moon (your sensitivity) to grow up, to check on its emotionalism and its tendency to dream. That's why you need to remain calm and humble in what you have built although sometimes you feel like it's worthless. You may have some responsibilities as far as your mother, your wife, or even family issues. However this transit allows you to try another way of living, especia lly as far as the way you eat. You need some rest and to try meditation and relaxation in order to remain balanced. Don't be afraid to go see a therapist in order to get some help as far as nutritional complements to make up for this mental fatigue and depression you are going through during this transit of Saturn.
From 05.02.2015 to 05.06.2015, exact su. 05.03.2015
Mercury transits natal Moon
You may meet different people today, especially if you work in the trade field or if you have a clientele. You easily communicate and show your ideas, that's why you always steadily move forward. As a consequence your business is productive. However you tend to think too much and argue a lot with someone from your family.
From 03.29.2015 to 06.21.2015, exact mo. 05.04.2015
Uranus transits Sextile your Ascendant
Uranus allows you to spice up your life, especially if you started to get caught in some sort of routine. Renovation, innovation, change are the mottos of your new personality that you will wear just like a new suit with enthusiasm and dynamism. As a consequence your entourage appreciates what you do, what you say, and new horizons are now opened to you.
From 04.22.2015 to 06.02.2015, exact su. 05.10.2015
Uranus transits semi-square natal Moon
The astral mood is sometimes destabilizing because it intensifies your sensitivity as far as relationships. You are moody and you feel like you are going through emotional rollercoasters. Since this period is sometimes disturbing, you need to relax a lot and to reconnect with nature (walking, jogging, gardening) or to meditate a lot.
From 04.08.2015 to 06.09.2015, exact tu. 05.12.2015 in retrogradation
Saturn transiting Trine natal Mercury
This transit allows you to become wiser thanks to a new knowledge. You may go further in your studies or you are about to climb the social ladder in your business life. It's easy for people to understand you and you enjoy communicating what's on your mind. Your life is better organized and you give deep thoughts before acting, which can open yourself to the local administration. you may get a piece of advice from someone older or even start an internship in order to climb the social ladder.
From 05.14.2015 to 05.20.2015, exact sa. 05.16.2015
Mars transiting conjunct natal Moon
You may feel stressed out during this transit. You may get touchy, arrogant (especially with women) and feel like people aggress you. That's why you may argue a lot: you can't stand insinuations or remonstrances, you easily get hurt and even sad, and another consequence could be your health getting weaker: burns, mucous membrane irritation, stomach ache, etc. The sex drive is stimulated, especially if you are single. That's why you may meet someone during this period but it needs to match other harmonic aspects of Venus (but check out other transits).
From 05.06.2015 to 06.03.2015, exact tu. 05.19.2015 in retrogradation
Saturn transits quincunx natal Venus
If you are serious and disciplined, you may be in a stable relationship, that may last for a long time (if other transits confirm it). If you are already in a relationship, you may find emotional stability (short but appreciable): you are serious, faithful and future oriented, although you have to let go a little about your freedom. As far as money, this transit may be a good one for you and you may meet a more mature person who will help you, just as much as the administration may help you too. You should make out your bill!
From 05.14.2015 to 05.31.2015, exact fr. 05.22.2015
Jupiter transits Quintile natal Moon
If you are instinctive, this transit may bring you fortune. You feel like people appreciate you, your family and your home. If you are an artist, it may stimulate your imagination and creativity and so your audience may get more and more interested in your work. You have a special connection with kids and even with your mother.
From 05.22.2015 to 05.27.2015, exact su. 05.24.2015
Sun transits natal Moon
You have been lost in your world for the last couple of days! You spend your time dreaming and fantasizing and it's becoming hard to live in the present. You are moody according to where you are and who you share this moment with. You need to realize this extreme sensitivity is temporary and that you don't have to act right now.
From 05.05.2015 to 07.05.2015, exact mo. 06.01.2015 in retrogradation
Saturn transiting Sextile natal Jupiter
You may get some help to strengthen your money. You may use the law to legalize a company or if your budget allows you to do it...you may use the protection of the administration or banks.
From 05.26.2015 to 06.10.2015, exact tu. 06.02.2015
Jupiter transits semi-square natal Venus
You are not very enthusiastic or in an excessive way, and you may be rude during this period. You should question your tendency to demand more attention, more help, more love from your partner. Make sure you don't remain too excessive: you tend to spend too much money. You need to realize you are trying to fill a gap, that's why you need to talk about your needs to the people you love.
From 06.04.2015 to 06.10.2015, exact sa. 06.06.2015
Mars transits Trine Ascendant
You are active, prolific, with a fighting spirit and you enjoy being in a team with your partner or your co-workers. Use this energy in everything you do.
From 06.05.2015 to 06.11.2015, exact mo. 06.08.2015
Venus transits natal Mercury
Lately it's been easy for you to make new contacts and encounters. Your daughter or a friend may call your phone. If you are in the trade field, you may make good money. This phase is good for new encounters, but you need to be discreet in the way you talk and move.
From 05.28.2015 to 06.23.2015, exact we. 06.10.2015
Jupiter transiting Opposition natal Ascendant
For the next few weeks your enthusiasm is getting low and you don't feel as fortunate as you used to. It's hard for you to take the opportunities on time and in spite of all your efforts nothing is going the way you wish it would. Fortune is on the side of your partner and co-workers. So if you get along well with them, why don't you just help and even serve them. How things change!
From 05.19.2015 to 08.09.2015, exact sa. 06.13.2015
Uranus transits Quintile natal Venus
If you are intuitive, you may bring something new in the way you love and will renew your values. The source of your income may change or get diversified in a positive way. It's an interesting period as long as you keep being creative...
From 06.17.2015 to 06.22.2015, exact fr. 06.19.2015
Venus transits natal Sun
Lately you have been kind and your heart is opened. You feel great, charming and smiling and your people show their appreciation by inviting you to a party or giving you presents or just compliments. If you are in a relationship, your partner will like your magnetism, and if you're single today may be the beginning of a love story (if other transits confirm it).
From 06.21.2015 to 06.26.2015, exact tu. 06.23.2015
Sun transiting conjunct natal Venus
Lately it has been hard to resist your charm and joy. If you have a professional appointment, you are in the best mood. You feel like sharing your joy with your family and friends. You will do your best to make your people happy (gifts, compliments...). You give a lot but you get even more in return!
From 06.24.2015 to 07.01.2015, exact sa. 06.27.2015
Mars transiting conjunct natal Venus
You are more than ever receptive to your needs, you can feel the desire in you but you sometimes experience it as a frustration. You will deal with attractions in a passionate way. As a consequence your relationships may be conflictual and you may also argue a lot. If other transits are harmonic, you will spend great intimate moments with your partner who can't complain about your strong sexual drive!
From 05.31.2015 to 08.09.2015, exact fr. 07.03.2015 in retrogradation
Saturn transiting conjunct your natal Midheaven
For the next couple of weeks you will feel like you have reached your goals: either you are done with your last project or you just had a promotion at work. As a consequence you can now show what you can do and be totally efficient. However that may be, keep in mind that once you have reached the top, you are very close to going down! That's why you must always think about tomorrow and plan ahead. What you have built has to remain strong and you need to stay humble as well.
From 07.08.2015 to 07.11.2015, exact th. 07.09.2015
Mercury transits natal Venus
Lately relationships with co-workers and friends are pretty harmonic. Communication is easy and people appreciate it. Good news at work bring a good atmosphere around you, as much with friends as with your partner. It's time to do some good business, as well for yourself as for your job or someone you really like.
From 07.10.2015 to 07.30.2015, exact mo. 07.20.2015
Jupiter transits natal Uranus
During this transit you will spend some good time with your friends or you will get to meet new people. We are rarely alone during this period, we join a team, a group of people where we can find true friends. Native Uranus represents the most particular, personal things in us, and the transit of Jupiter makes it even stronger. As a consequence you may be expressing your originality and nonconformism with more determination. This period will make you travel or reunite with friends in a good atmosphere. You get to express your personality in a joyful way and it works!
From 07.23.2015 to 07.26.2015, exact fr. 07.24.2015
Mercury return (transiting conjunct natal Mercury)
It's time you made new contacts at work (especially if you are in the trade field) and you started to work on new projects. If other planets confirm it, you may get what you wanted.
From 07.23.2015 to 07.28.2015, exact sa. 07.25.2015
Sun transits Mercury
You are very shrewd and it makes communication and negociations easy. You are now ready to convince your family, to talk about new projects or just to sign a contract. You are brillant and convincing, you easily fix the problems you have to deal with. You may have business opportunities. It's also a good period to write because communication is easy.
From 07.28.2015 to 07.31.2015, exact we. 07.29.2015
Mercury transits natal Sun
Your intellect is working well! It's easy for you to communicate, to do some good business or just to travel. You adapt yourself easily to what's going on around you. Take advantage of the situation to try different things, find new professional contacts and have important appointments. Your business may become very productive.
From 07.20.2015 to 08.09.2015, exact th. 07.30.2015
Jupiter transits natal North Node
You will have opportunities to easily move on with your life. A guide, a protection or a mentor may show you the way and make things easy for you. However don't take advantage of their generosity and be grateful. You may also live comfortably or experience great moments with friends. Check out your karma to figure out what houses those two elements are in so that you will know more about this transit.
From 08.03.2015 to 08.08.2015, exact we. 08.05.2015
Solar Return (Sun transits natal Sun)
Happy birthday to you! People stay around you, they take care of you, you are the star and you enjoy it. You realize who you are to others when you see all the gifts you receive and how much you party with your friends. You need to be thankful for that! Take stock of the year that just passed and try to figure out what you can improve.
From 07.28.2015 to 08.09.2015, exact th. 08.06.2015
Jupiter transiting Square Midheaven
For the next few weeks this transit of Jupiter will make you realize that you need to check the way you deal with your budget and that there's no need to count on pure chance. This is just fairytales, and lately your life has been more like Cinderella! In spite of all your efforts to succeed, you will have to deal with administrative or legal business. But in the next few weeks, and if you accept to go through this rough patch, you may have your enthusiasm back...
sa. 08/04/1961 @ 19h24
Honolulu, Hawaii USA
latitude 21N28, longitude 157W51
Barack Obama
Leo Ascendant Aquarius
Barack Obama: Transits list August 2014 to August 2015 |
This is the end of your astrological analysis.
We hope it helped you figure out certain aspects of your personality and improve your knowledge of the different elements of your psyche.
This analysis was written by French astrologer Patrick Giani, writer of books such as: "Maîtrisez votre avenir en positivant vos transits", "Astrologie karmique: principes de base et pratique" and "Les trois dimensions de votre thème astral".
The English translation was made by Loic Janin.
The astrological analysis was made by astrologer and engineer Daniel Véga, creator of AstroQuick astrology software and www.astroo.com web site.
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