Enters the different rays used in Esoteric Astrology (Alice Bailey books).
You can enter numbers from the keyboard or use the adjacent menus (3 characters).
These rays are carried up the chart window and in the top right of the PDF report.
Go back to prefs. >
Downloading the picture of the skychart, format PNG 600x600 pixels (.png).
PNG format provides the best image quality while optimizing its size (lighter and therefore faster to download).

The picture is automatically downloaded on your hard disk and can be saved also into iPhone, iPad, or other Android tablets.
Hot key : key G.
You can use this file optimized in 600x600 pixels to directly illustrate your internet pages (website, blog, facebook, twitter etc.).
> Chart png 500px
Identical to what's above, with PNG 500x500 pixels picture.
> Chart png 300px
Identical to what's above, with 300x300 pixels reduced image.
Given the small size of the file, this format is ideal for the presentation of several sky charts on the same page.
> Aspects png
Identical to what's above, to get the picture of the
Aspects and positions tables..
> Chart jpg
Downloading the picture of the skychart, format JPEG 600x600 pixels (.jpg).
The JPEG format is compatible with all software, old and new, while offering good image quality.
The picture is automatically downloaded on your hard disk and can be saved also into iPhone, iPad, or other Android tablets.
Hot key : key J.
You can use this file optimized in 600x600 pixels to directly illustrate your html pages (website, blog etc.).
> Chart jpg 500 px
Identical to what's above, with JPEG 500x500 pixels pictures.
> Chart jpg 300px
Identical to what's above, with jpeg 300x300 pixels reduced image.
> Aspects jpg
Identical to what's above, to get the picture of the
Aspects and positions tables..
You can edit the documents created with AstroQuick by respecting the terms of the user license.
You can edit the skycharts for free keeping always the mention of intellectual property rights (ex. "www.astroquick.fr").
Opening a new window with the
listing of positions of the birth chart that presents all the positions and planetary aspects as a textual list.
This file can be used as an editorial structure to write a personalized interpretation, by adding or deleting paragraphs.
download the text file, click on the menu "Download".
Opening a new window with the listing of
Symbolisms of the birth chart giving a list of
key words about multiple combinations sign/houses/planets/aspects.
As the listing above, this text file can be used as an editorial structure to write a personalized interpretation, by commenting paragraphs thanks to the key words and by deleting insignificant information and paragraphs.
download the text file, click on the menu "Download".
Opening a new window with
the AstroBasic interpretation that presents the editorial interpretation of the main part of the birth chart.
download a text file, click on the menu "Download" (top right of the window).
You can edit the documents created with AstroQuick by respecting the terms of the user license.
Part of this is to keep the AstroBasic interpretations in a private setting with the ban on using them as a commercial activity , even for free.
Opening a new window with
the AstroNatal interpretation that presents the editorial interpretation of the birth chart.
download a text file, click on the menu "Download" (top right of the window).
You can edit the documents created with AstroQuick by respecting the terms of the user license.
Same as the above with the AstroKarmic interpretation of the birth chart.
Included are the AstroNatal editorial interpretation completed with the interpretations in karmic astrology by Patrick Giani.
My Interpretations;
Sub-menu for personalized interpretations.
Each article of this menu is paired with each complementary interpretation module.
Interpretations are automatically downloaded on your computer.
Report menu
PDF birth chart
Download the PDF report (to save or print it).
This command will launch the downloading of the file with the PDF report and the skychart, and the aspects and positions board.
Depending upon your browser and its settings, you may get a
download confirmation message, in that case, confirm the downloading.
If you can't find the downloaded document, select the menu "Window and downloads' that displays
your history and allows you to find any file by clicking on it.
This command is identical to the one on the menu "File and PDF print'.
By opening this PDF file with the softwares "Adobe Acrobat Reader" or "Preview", you can
print it by selecting the command "File and Print".
Hot key : key P.
On iPhone and iPad, you can use a PDF reader (as a PDF application - free) to visualize your PDF birth charts, save them and make them accessible to you, even offline.
Day's Ephemeride
Opening a new window with
the AstroBasic report that presents the editorial interpretation of the main parts of the birth chart, as an HTML interactive document with a skychart and astral positions boards.

doanload the HTML file, click on the menu "Download" (top right of the window).
The HTML file has links and boards. Its universal coding is compatible with all the computers connected to the Internet (Mac PC iPhone Ipad tablettes etc.).
You can edit documents or previews created with AstroQuick by respecting the terms of the user license.
Part of this is to keep the AstroBasic interpretations in a private setting with theban on using them as a commercial activity , even for free.
Opening a new window with
the AstroNatal report that presents the editorial interpretation of the birth chart, as an HTML interactive document with a skychart and astral positions boards.

You can
change the layout by selecting one of the three styles from the menu.
'style 1',
'style 2',
'style 3'
download the HTML file, click on the menu "Download" (top right of the window).
The HTML file has links and graphs. Its universal coding is compatible with all the computers connected to the Internet (Mac PC iPhone Ipad tablettes etc.).
Identical to the one above with the AstroKarmic interpretations.
AstroQuick menu
This menu includes a link to the AstroQuick main window.
Double-click to activate or display the AstroQuick main window.
User guide
Link to access this user guide.
Report a bug...
Link to contact the tech department via your mailbox.
Internet website
Add a celebrity
Link to add a new celebrity birth date via your mailbox. The information is for the displayed chart.
Upon receipt by the Astroquick team, your celebrity chart will be added to the database and available to all the users.
Add a city
Link to add a new city date via your mailbox. The coordinates are the ones of the city of the displayed chart.
Upon receipt by the Astroquick team, your city will be added to the database and available to all the users.
Google search
Opening a new window with a
Google search based upon the name and birth date of the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to find and check the birth data of the celebrities on the web.
Identical to what's above, it will allow you to open a new window with a
Google search based upon the name of the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to find out more about celebrities.
Identical to what's above, it will allow you to open a new window with a
Google search based upon the name of the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to see pictures and illustrations of celebrities.
Identical to what's above, it will allow you to open a new window with a
Wikipedia webpage about a celebrity whose name is the one of the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to find the biography of a celebrity.
Date search
Opening a new window with a
Google search based upon the date of the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to seek information or events that happened on the same day.
City search
Opening a new window with a
Google search based upon the latitude and longitude, of the city and the country in the displayed chart.
Use this hotkey to find and check on the geographic coordinates of the city and the country.
Time Zone search
Opening a new window with a
Google search based upon the Time Zone, forthe city and the country.
Use this hotkey to verify the Time Zone for GMT time and Daylight Saving Time for the city and the country.