New chart
Creation of a birth chart: you will be asked to enter your birth date in a new window.
By default, the day's date and time are displayed to work on hourly charts by precising your location.
Hotkey : key N.
Ephemeride chart
Creation of a new chart as an hourly chart made with current time and the location and the domification defined by default.
These setting are clearly explained in the
application options.
Hotkey : key E.
Today's ephemeride
Opens the
daily ephemeris window with lunations, births and famous events.
(the location and home parameters are those defined in the
Application Options).
Hotkey : key J.
Lists of charts...
Opening the
window with the lists of charts and their own sections :
My charts (perso) and
Famous charts (shared).
To display a section, click on the title.
Opened charts in the lists still give preferences of the general charts, the ones explained in the menu "Preferences Chart (natal)" in the main AstroQuick window.
You can save your list of charts by clicking on the corresponding link in the tab "My charts (perso)".
Hotkey : key L.
Open a chart
Open an Astroquick chart file on your computer.
Hotkey : key O.
Ephemerides Tables
Open the window of multiperiodical table of ephemeris.
Preferences Charts (natal)
Define the preferences and settings of the skycharts (new hourly birth charts).

The preferences window allows you to define your graphic preferences and calculations settings.
Once you've made the changes you wanted, click on "OK" to submit (or click on "cancel" to cancel your changes).
reset your preferences by default ("settings"), click on Ø (top right). AstroQuick will ask you to confirm "Would you like to reset your default settings (settings)?". Click "OK" to submit.
To apply a color to an element, click on the key then select the color you want by clicking on it in one of the two palettes on the right.
To delete the color, remove what's in the box or replace it by "#".
To hide an element, apply the white color to it (#ffffff).
Preferences Revolutions
Same as above to define preferences of solar and lunar returns charts.
Preferences Transits
Same as above to define preferences of Transits charts (superimposed charts).
Preferences Directions
Same as above to define preferences of Directions charts (secondary, symbolic, solar arc).
My license & my account
Personnalization of your software AstroQuick and access codes.
Connection id (email)
Reminder of your login (information field non-editable).
Changing your login password.
To activate both input fields, click on the tab "password".

replace both fields by your new password.

To save your changes, click on "SAVE".
To submit the change, both new passwords must be identical. Otherwise the password will not be changed.
Application options
Defining application general settings on your internet browser.
These preferences are saved on your browser. You can use several settings on the same computers (one for each browser).
Default location
City used by default for
new charts.
Click on the tab "default location" to
choose or define a city in the world.
You can select or define the city you are currently living in.
Check on the functions of the input field to find out about the functions of the cities menu.
Ephemeride charts
Domification used by default for the ephemeris charts.
Use the menu to choose a House system or not.
New charts in :
Define the purpose of the new opened charts windows:
- Either in a new window: basic settings for all users.
- Or in a new tab : Instead of a window, charts are created in a tab (this setting won't work in Safari, only with Firefox if the preference "open a new tab instead of a new window" is checked).
charts graphics
Define the general graphic properties of the skycharts.
don't force symbols in sidereal zodiac: when you create or change a chart in
sidereal zodiac (ayanamsa and SVP), the
signs symbols are replaced by constellations pictograms.
To not replace it, check on the key (All charts will be be presented with the same symbols).
Uranus "astronomical" symbol : clicking on this key will allow you to display the symbol you use by everyone, instead of the one used only by astrologers.
degrees in color (identical to the planet's) : clicking on this key to draw the degrees of the
same color than the planetary element (instead of the default grey color).
Define the properties of automatic memorisation of the birth data input field, in the Internet browser.
To avoid mistakes in the input field, you should leave these boxes empty.
To acxtivate the memorization and auto-completion, click on the corresponding keys:
User manual
Link to access this user guide.
Contact technical support
Link to contact the support user via your mailbox.
About AstroQuick 7...
Click on this link to close the software and all its windows.
Your session (or login) is closed so that noone can log into your account if using the same computer.
Be careful: by closing the home page you won't log out. Someone could then use your data if using the same computer (with no password) !
To safely quit Astroquick, always click on "Quit", especially if you use the software on a public computer with shared data.
Hotkey : key Q.